Day Twenty-Five: Handy Things I Have Learned

A.K.A., how to feel like you can adult.

At the ripe old age of 24-almost-25, I am finally, solidly, old enough to be considered an adult. A fledgling adult, but an adult all the same. However, most days I’ve (and many others, apparently) found that instead of feeling like the grownup I am, I feel more like a ten year old who has somehow convinced the world she is grown up.

The good news is, I have stumbled across some things that one can do that not only makes you feel more like a grownup, but makes life a little easier, too. The bad news is that it’s all stuff my parents have been trying to teach me my whole life, so I’ll be getting a very snarky Facebook message later today.

There are a lot if little things I’ve learned, but these are the top six things.

Make Your Bed Every Morning
I know. I know it sounds ridiculous, but honestly, whenever I take that minute or two in the morning to straighten up my sheets and stuff, I feel like I am more equipped to take on the day. There is also something really nice about going to bed that night, when it’s made.

Put Away Your Clean Laundry, Right Away
(Preferably by folding/hanging it up)
It’s probably the most annoying task on the face of the planet, but here are some benefits:
1. You feel more grow up
2. Keeps your clothing organized and wrinkle free (mostly)
3. It’s an excellent time to watch something, or listening to a podcast, or whatever the cool kids are doing these days
4. Keeps your laundry basket/bag/hamper/pocket other-dimensional storage unit clear for dirty clothing, so they in turn do not become your new carpet. (If you don’t hand a designated laundry thing, I suggest getting one. It keeps chairs and corners clear for other stuff you might throw there.)

Know How to Cook
It doesn’t have to be fancy, but knowing how to cook simple, versatile meals has kept my food budget down, and helps me eat healthier. One of the first things I learned to make was just pasta+whatever meat and veggies and sauce I might find in the fridge. I’ve found, too, that as I got comfortable cooking simple meals, the easier it was to move into ‘fancier’ options.

Make a Budget, and Stick to It
This one is not fun, and more me was more of a necessity than a choice. I have a rather limited paycheck, and quite a few fixed monthly bills, so if I don’t regulate my funds carefully, something won’t get paid on time. It means I don’t get to eat out much, or get coffee everyday, or go to the movies as often as I like, but there is a comfort in knowing that I won’t have to worry about where the money for my rent, or utilities, or student loans will come from, when they are due. (I also make sure to allow for ‘free money’ in my budget, so I can get coffee, or go to the movies with friends, or to buy that new book that came out. Just, maybe not all in the same week.)

Do The Dishes
Preferably, hand wash or put in the dishwasher as soon as you are done using them, and empty said dishwasher as soon after its done as possible. I personally struggle with this one the most, BUT it really is a good life practice; keeps things clean and sanitary, and also helps keep your kitchen looking neat. Also, actually having clean utensils and dishes when you want them is nifty.

Do Something You Love, Everyday
Be it reading, or crafting, or watching a show, or exercising, or learning something new; pick a hobby or a passion or an interest, and make time each day (or is time is really at a premium, once or twice a week) to spend time doing it. This is especially key if you find yourself in a job where you feel unfulfilled or unhappy or stuck. It’s not always easy to find that time, but it really does help.

DISCLAIMER: Just ’cause I’ve learned these tips and tricks does not mean I do them on a daily basis (except for budgeting or cooking. I kinda have to those things, no matter what.) I am, generally speaking, an easily distracted person. I also have two modes of stress that can affect my day. There’s the ‘I can’t even think about doing the dishes in the sink without crying, I’ve got that much to do’ and the flip side is ‘I can’t focus on anything until the kitchen is spotless.’

Day Twenty-Four: Places I’ve Been

Being a military brat and the daughter of a life-long road tripper (hi mom), I was blessed enough to have traveled a fair amount in my youth, and these are the places I either traveled to (as in, stayed at least one night) or lived so far.

Washington State
Washington DC
New York City, New York
Providence, Rhode Island
Atlanta, Georgia
Phoenix, Arizona
London, England
Manchester, England
Conwy, Wales (okay, technically it was a day trip BUT I’M COUNTING IT.)

And that’s it, so far. We’ve driven through nearly every state on our trips, but since all I saw was grass and cows and asphalt, I don’t count them. Hopefully in the coming years, I’ll be able to add a lot more countries to that list.

Day Twenty-Three: My Biggest Pet Peeve

In the last few years, I have been relatively calm of spirit; sure, minor irritations abound, but it takes a lot to spark anything more than mild irritation.

Except for being stuck behind slow walkers.

That mess will get under my skin faster than you can say ‘excuse me.’

I’ve never experienced road rage when driving, but if it’s anything like the frustrated fury that fills my soul when I get stuck in a narrow hallway behind two ambling people taking their sweet time, I can understand the problem it can be.

It doesn’t help that by nature, I tend to walk quickly, and I’m used to having to weave my way around those walking in my vicinity, so I am (in my humble opinion) justifiably upset when my forward movement is substantially slowed.

Ugh. I’m getting antsy just thinking about it.

Day Twenty-Two: About My Family

Guys, my family is awesome. Seriously, they are.

I didn’t always think this way, of course; I dove right in to the ‘I hate everyone’ phase head first, and my family (being the closest people to me at the time) bore the brunt of that.

However, now having grown up and seen what an actual ‘bad family’ looks like, and the affect they have had on each other, I can definitively state that I have been blessed to have the parents and siblings that I do.

My parents in particular were the predominate influencers in shaping who I am today; they taught me to love reading and story, to laugh, to think for myself, were the first ones to introduce me to my faith, and the ones who made sure that I had the mental tools needed to actually understand what it is I believe in. My mother introduced me to Harry Potter, my father to Lord of the Rings (there were, of course, crossovers, as both had a hand in reading to us as we were growing up, but those books were predominantly relegated to one or the other.) They encouraged me to pursue my interests for as long as it was safe for me to do so (I was firmly told that, after accidently cutting myself twice in as many weeks, I was no longer allowed to pursue whittling as a pastime while under their roof. I probably still have all of my fingers now, because of that.)

My sibs were excellent, being my first friends, first classmates, first rivals, ex cetera. Each one (two sisters, one brother, all younger) is uniquely fantastic, and I’ve been privileged to watch them grow up. One sister is incredibly driven in all that she does, and is destined to do (and has done) some really amazing things. The other is able to retain vast stores of knowledge on topics she finds interesting, and possesses a passion for those interests that is almost palpable. My brother is, on top of being a walking miracle, is just a fascinating individual. (When he was young, he told us he was going to be a rockstar, and a pastor, and Chuck E. Cheese, all at the same time. Now he’s leaning towards [last I heard] music or international politics.)

And I, to balance things out, I like drawing pictures and doodling stories. >v<

Days 19, 20, and 21: AKA I Can’t Write in a Car


Fun fact guys: it’s really hard to find time to write a blog post when stuck in a van for twelve hours with friends. (Perhaps ‘stuck’ isn’t quite the word. But it’s not far off.) And it’s hard to find time when you’re busy spending time with said friends exploring a new city and consuming lots of great coffee and food (Not too shabby, Providence, not too shabby.) Anyway, I’ll try and keep today’s post as concise as possible, considering we’ve got three topics to cover, and I’m still recovering from a very eventful vacation.

My Hidden Talent
I possess the ability to read anywhere; car, coffeehouse, in nature, indoors, at a restaurant, in rain or shine, at a concert. As long as I have a book, I can read. The only time I have trouble focusing on a book is if people I care about are talking in my vicinity and I’m not opposed to joining in the conversation at some point.

If my memory has not completely failed me, I do believe that there was at least one case of me reading in a movie theater. Not, mind you, before the movie started; that is absolutely normal for me. I mean during the movie.

Most Embarrassing Moment
I was at a friend’s birthday party, and we were playing a trivia/board game. The box’s lid was in the way, so I casually tried to toss it out of the way. The only problem was, someone’s face was in the way.
I hit some guy I only just met.
In the face.
With a box.
I seriously considered moving out of the country.

A Confession
I hate gum. Hate it.
With a fiery, burning passion.
Every fiber of my being rebels against the very idea of it, and my soul withers at the sight of it.
It’s so gross.

Day Eighteen: My Biggest Regret

Honestly, most of the biggest, worst things that I’d most like to change, I couldn’t, and in the end, I wouldn’t. More than the positive things that have happened, it was the negative things (and specifically the bad choices I made) and how I grew past them has shaped who I have become. So though I am sad that they happened, I don’t regret them.

So all that to say, my biggest, deepest regret is that I used a half day from work two weeks ago for an interview for a job I didn’t get. So pointless.

Day Seventeen: My Favourite Quote

I can’t choose just one, so I won’t.

It’s my blog, and I’ll bend the rules if I want to.

Anyway, listed below are some of the quotes that have stuck to my soul for some reason or another. (I have left off the originators of these quote for the sake of format: some are actually known, but so many have been attributed to the wrong person that I hesitate to cite anyone at this point. For me, it is enough -what- is said, rather than who said it. In this particular case, anyway. Not in everything. If you happen to know the actual author of these quotes, please let me know.)

1) Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will go its whole life thinking it’s stupid.
2) A lie doesn’t become truth, wrong doesn’t become right, and evil doesn’t become good, simply because it’s accepted by the majority.
3) Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy.
4) The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted.
5) Be sure to taste your words before you spit them out
6) If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it enough
7) You don’t have a soul. You are a soul, you have a body.

Day Sixteen: If I Won the Lottery

Well, it all depends of course how much I’d win, but the breakdown goes something like this:

First, set aside enough for taxes
Second, pay off school loans (luckily, I don’t have much, relatively speaking)
Third, purchase a car that isn’t scary
Fourth, purchase a few things that would make like a lot easier (here’s looking at you, 21″ desktop Mac, with 4k retina display and extra memory for video/rendering, and Zbrush.)
Fifth, put aside a percentage for savings
Sixth, put aside to help with younger siblings with college and stuff
Seventh, help parents with any debt they might have, assuming they let me
Eighth, donate the rest

Vacuuming and sweeping for eight hours a day tends to give one waaaaaay too much time to think.

Day Fourteen: Things That Make Me Sad

1. When plans I was looking forward to fall through
2. When friends/other people in general are sad
3. When a proverbial door I thought was open closes in my face
4. Clear skies when I was promised rain
5. Finishing a book
6. Finishing a series
7. Breaking a favourite mug
8. When I have to eat something I don’t like because I took insulin for it
9. When a story does not live up to my expectations
10. Being tired